"Dungeons and Disasters" is a fantasy-adventure story about a young rogue, a disembodied princess, an apprentice magician, and an undead monk. It's an ongoing series that I can't really guess when will be finished, though I estimate there will be at least ten books of about 150-200 pages each.
To summarize... Connor Carter is a twelve year-old menace to society, and one of the more notorious bandits in the entire realm. After a heist gone terribly wrong, he finds himself stuck with a young princess's soul bound to his physical body. Neither of them able to stand the other, they set out on a globe trotting adventure, seeking a supposed means of separating themselves.
I'm a 24 year-old firefighter from the Gulf Coast, and drawing is pretty much all I've ever been very good at. I spent a lot of time trying to forget that and find "real job" so to speak, but ultimately found myself very unhappy with my life. Within the last couple years I made the conscious decision to take my creative work off the backburner and pursue it seriously; In doing so I quit learning a trade and just found myself a job with a lot of off days, where I'd have time to work on this and still make a halfway decent living.
Though I was met with a lot of backlash from my family, I still think it's one of the best decisions I've made. Seeing this idea grow and turn into something real has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and even if I wasn't writing this book I'm enjoying my new day-job a lot more than anything else I've tried. I've wanted to write comic books since I was a little kid reading Calvin and Hobbes, so I also wanna say thanks to everyone that follows this project. You're helping me live out a dream.