
19, January 2024

It seems time flows a little differently in the soul-gem... if it flows at all.

More to come. At the end of this chapter, I will propably be taking a short hiatus, a month at most. I just need some time to get ahead again, and to start on some side projects for the series. I'll still be posting anything I finish to Patreon, it's just that lately all I've been able to work on are the new pages if I wanna stay on my release schedule.

To name a few things that've yet to be done, I need to remaster the first two chapters, and touch up the third. I've improved a lot artistically, and the lack of polish in my first chapters has started to really irk me. I also need to do a lot of work with this website. I have new art that needs to be made, and lore to write, and functionality to hopefully improve on. I don't know that I'll finish everything I want to within a month, but I think it'll at least give me a start.

Anyhow, thanks for reading.
