
30, January 2024

Been having a lot of fun with the writing ever since I finally got these two stuck together. I still wish I'd just started the story closer to here, but I guess you cant expect to do everything right with your first real attempt. And it's not like anything from the first couple chapters were irrelevant to the larger story, in fact you may be surprised later to find how many little details are called back or at least referenced. And the stuff that isn't relevant I still like for worldbuilding reasons, (maybe I could've done it more concisely though).

Lots of new readers on Webtoon, over 800 as of today. If we can break a thousand subscribers I'll be a very happy fella, as that means my sub count will start to show on the series thumbnail in search results. Maybe it'll get me more clicks. Exciting stuff for me, a little stressful though, because now I have more people than ever that I might potentially disappoint. I'm doing everything I can not to.

Anyhow, thanks for supporting the series, more to come.
