
15, March 2024

Just as I'm uploading this I'm noticing I forgot to fill out the chainmail texture for the guards. It's always somethin, lol. I will fix tomorrow when I'm back from work.

Finally got out of the art block hole. It's been a busy week, wound up enrolled in a pumper class for my job since Monday, and it's been eating into my time for the series. Despite this, was able to get this page done along with several conceptual sketches that I will upload here to the Artsy Stuff page when I find time. (For now they're on Patreon and my socials). I'm taking the pumper test today though, so I should be back to my normal schedule soon. Not much else going on on my end, good to be posting these again. Apologies about the delay, I made a post about it on Webtoon but just went a little radio silent here. Ah well.

More to come, thanks for reading.
