
03, March 2023

An ominous worm enters the scene...

There are still two more pages before I'm out of finished material, though I'm almost finished with a third. I've been working on that one (pg. 37) a while now; Not that it's a particularly difficult page or anything, it's just hard to juggle everything going on at home right now and still have time to put any serious work into it. EMT school remains difficult, and I've had to reach out for tutoring help to keep myself afloat. I will say this about the experience though, I'm learning a lot of neat stuff that could be used in the book regarding magic and healing. Sure you could just have your standard fantasy-genre health potions, but I wanna get into specifics, and make them more like advanced medicine than magical cure-alls. I think it makes for heavier stakes in combat when injuries aren't so easily reversible. As an example, a standard "health potion" in this universe serves as more of a heavy duty painkiller than anything, and while it does speed up natural healing of the body, it would still take two or three nights of good rest (and perhaps additional dosage) to properly heal something like a broken bone.

And without giving too much away, I've got some very neat ideas for ways that magic and actual surgical procedures could intermingle in a story like this. Lets say you're suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke (blood clot in the brain): Where as in real life diagnosing this in the field leaves room for human error, a magician in this universe could simply cast a spell that would give him/her x-ray vision like you would see in a CT-scan. There could also be combatative magic to induce something like a hemorrhagic stroke in an enemy, but I'm not sure yet, as that seems like it would be too OP. (And a little dark. Imagine casting "Permanent Brain Damage" on someone.)

That's about all I got for this week, thanks for reading.
