
17, March 2023

I haven't done any actual calculations of mass and speed, (horrible at math), but worms that can launch with enough force to shatter the ground may seem like pretty late stage enemies for so early in the series. Trust the plan though, Connor's smarter than he lets on... I'm sure this won't end too badly for him.

Things are still going good on my end, I've got the next page nearly finished. BUT, expect this next week's page release to be the last one for a month or two. I graduate in May, if you're wanting a more concrete deadline, but I need to actually finish the next pages before I can start posting again. I'm passing the class, but only just barely, so I'd like to dedicate the rest of my time in school to hitting the books and ensuring I pass the registry exams. I've actually entered an art competition with some online friends recently, but even that doesn't really kick off until I'm finished. I only really bring it up to say that you'll start to see a lot more in terms of posts and updates and pages. (Ideally we get back to two pages a week.) I enjoy making this stuff quite a lot, and I'd do it all the time if I could.

Anyways that's about it for this week, I'll probably do a longer blog next week as it'll be the last you'll hear from me for awhile. Might talk a little about the sorts of things to expect in the near future, regarding Connor and his antics. As always, thanks for reading and keeping up with the story.
