
2, June 2023

I like this chapter a lot but drawing the coins can get a little tedious. Still, I try not to take too many shortcuts with this stuff, I already feel kinda cheap for not using a proper background most of the time. There's a big reveal coming in the next few pages though, that you may or may not have picked up on, and I'm itching to get to that point.

In other unrelated news, the author I mentioned last week has been uploading his new book by chapters to Royal Road, along with some illsutrations he commissioned me to draw for it. It's about an escaped convict that finds himself on a strange island, and you can read it here. (Be aware that his work is a little more violent and adult-themed, if you happen to be a kid reading these comics here.) While I'm used to cartoons and have been in a sort of PG-13 mindset, it's cool to be working on something a little more mature with it's content. I'll be illustrating more of it as he writes more chapters, it does eat into my time to work on this a little but it's nothing I can't handle. Pages are still being finished on time and in advance, and as long as that stays the same I'm good with it.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I'll have more next week.
