
11, July 2023

Last few days have been very productive, finished two pages and actually got back to work on the rough draft for the first time in months. Right now the rough draft is completed to page 116, and is still expected to be 150 to 200 pages long when finished.

There's a slight continuity error here that I need to fix later, you can see that coin that got caught up in his boots on an earlier page, only there it's on the left and not the right. (I'm pretty sure the scabbard for his knife has switched legs like 3 times by now as well.) There are a few things like this I intend to fix before finalizing or publishing anything, but I want to finish this first draft before I go back and clean it up, if that makes sense. When I get real caught up on the little details like that it just slows the process down. Still, if you notice anything like that, let me know, I'll go back and fix as I get a little closer to the end.

Anyways, thanks for reading. More this Friday.
