
01, August 2023

This is about where I started to feel more confident with my colors. I still wouldn't say I'm very good with colored artwork like this, but it doesn't seem so flat now, and it makes more sense figuring out what compliments what. Hopefully we'll only see further improvements from here.

I've finished page 62 today, and 63 will be the last one for this chapter. Eager to get into the next one, chapter four is where we'll finally get to see Eliza introduced to the story, and actually get into the *overarching plot* a little. Sometimes I worry that the current pace is a little too slow, like it feels like it's taken awhile to actually get the story moving. Then again, it might only feel that way because of the rate I'm releasing it. When I actually sit down and read through what I've got so far it only takes about 30 minutes, which feels appropriate given the expected length of the whole series.

Theoretically I could've just started the story right when Connor and Eliza get stuck together and skipped the first three chapters, but I wanted the reader to get a feel of what his life was like before he got stuck with her. It serves to characterize him, and juxtapose just how annoyed he is having to drag along somebody else on his adventures. Or that's the idea anyways. Anyways, that's it, more this Friday. Thanks for reading.
