
01, September 2023

Some of this chapter's been trimmed off, one of several moments I've re-written from the rough draft. Part of me wonders if this is really the best way to go about writing it. I'm still glad I did, having a few months between writing it and looking at it again now lets me see the work a little more objectively. But, it can often feel like I've wasted time sketching scenes that just aren't gonna be included. Ah well.

*Do not* attempt to screech a drowning victim awake btw, I'm 99% sure that won't work in real life lol. Connor here wasn't necessarily drowning anyway, impact is what knocked him unconscious, and not for very long. In fact, your body can actually "dry drown," in which no water enters the lungs but there still isn't any O2 for brain function. (So the treatment still requires CPR, though.)

Nearly finished with that one-off comic I mentioned in the last update, otherwise stuff is quiet on my end. Pages are going good, and we're still on schedule in terms of updates. Thanks for reading.
