
03, November 2023

Alright so, to get this outta the way, I'm on Patreon now. If you want to support me and the series, you can do it here, but don't feel like you're obligated to do so. There's a reason most firefighters work two jobs, it doesn't pay well. I'm struggling a little financially, and if I have to start a second job then I'm not gonna be able to release this series at the pace I want to. There's no rewards or anything right now as I'm very behind on page production, but I want to have early looks at new pages for donors once I'm caught up.

As for the actual series, I'm stickin with it. Life has been getting in the way a lot recently and put me very behind, I'm finishing page 89 today to give you an idea of where I'm at. I'm gonna do everything I can to stay on schedule though, don't worry. Thanks for reading.
