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SPIRIT FORMS (March 27, 2023)

This was originally just gonna be some concept art, but I really liked the way it turned out and made it a full promotional piece with a proper background and colors and stuff. Eliza is normallyy depicted as a little floating spirit orb, but I have a little leeway with how I can depict her since her form isn't concrete or physical. She could essentially shapeshift, though only you (the reader) and Connor would ever see her. Still, this means generally I can save time by drawing her as an orb, and then go for something more detailed like this when the scene suits it. The design also lends itself to some nice visual comedy later on, she could turn into an exclamation point when surprised, or a cheeseburger, or several other things.

SPIRIT FORMS (no text) (March 27, 2023)

The same image, but unsullied and quiet. It might make a nice phone background or something, feel free to save it. (Just don't make it into a poster and sell it or anything. This stuff is copyrighted).

BEACH EPISODE (June 30, 2023)

This is another promotional piece I wanted to do. Had the mental image for awhile and decided to finally put it to paper when an artist I know asked me to participate in their 4th of July Bikini Art Contest. The ideas kinda went hand in hand. Also the USA doesn't really exist in this universe, but uh... just ignore that. Cool lore detail though, Dath is tied off like that cause most of his bones have been filled with lead, to add weight to his boxing. So, not the best swimmer.

BEACH EPISODE (no text) (June 30, 2023)

Same image, less text. In case you wanted to use it as a background or something.

TONAL SHIFT (July 16, 2023)

Around book 5 or 6 (there are a few key events that I haven't really decided the order of just yet,) the story turns from a wacky adventure into a more serious and plot-driven story, where I want a lot of character development to happen. This is (a snippet of) some concept art for a particularly heavy moment, that will probably break this kid. I can't say much else without spoiling anything, but know that it's not just suffering the sake of suffering. Sometimes it's necessary for a character to hit their lowest point in order to learn how to pick themselves up.

BIG SPIDERS (September 05, 2023)

If you've read through some of the locations in the world map, you might remember a note about a terrible monster hiding away inside the castle in Holt. These images may or may not be related to those notes. I took a lot of inspiration from H. R. Giger's artwork here, there's just something deeply unsettling about his monster designs and I wanted to try and capture the same feeling. Not sure I succeeded, I may work on this design more later on.

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