
29, March 2024

Was told recently that my series isn't inclusive enough, so I figured I'd throw a little representation in. (This oughta be enough for the rest of the series).

This was a fun one to draw, body horror has always been something that interested me as far as horror motifs are concerned. ("The Fly" and "The Thing" remain a couple of my favorites). Can't really get as gruesome as I might like to though, as this is still a book that I'm aiming to keep in the teen-preteen age group.

When this series is finished, my next project will be something for mature audiences. As much as I like goofy cartoon stuff, I can't really get as violent as I'd like with a lot of stuff like this. There's workarounds and implications you could do, but nothing beats seeing a guy get ripped in half with a claymore or something. More to come though, thanks for reading.
