
04, April 2024

Moving steadily along. Been doing a lot of actual writing over the last couple days, like the kind you do in a google doc and not a sketch draft. A lot of this story is still just bouncin' around in my head, so I figure I need to put it to paper in case I forget something important, (or die in a car wreck tomorrow.) It's been fun, brainstorming is a fun if challenging part of the creative process for me.

Anyhow, that's all that's been going on lately. I also added a cheaper standard option for my Patreon, so if you wanna downgrade from 5$ to 3$ and still get the same access to the unreleased pages, you won't hurt my feelings. And if you wanna support, but didn't wanna do 5$ monthly, 3$ might be more in your wheelhouse. Regardless of whether you donate, I appreciate y'all following the story and reading it.
