
12, April 2024

Been getting ahead on the rough draft lately for what feels like the first time in a long time. I've got everything sketched out to page 140, and the latter half of chapter 7 (which I'm close to finishing up) has been fun to write. Hopefully it's just as fun to read.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to finish up the book in under 200 pages but I have a feeling it's gonna be close, either a little under or a little over. It's a little bit frustrating knowing that the work won't end when that's finished either, as I want to go back and remaster the first 2, possibly 3 chapters. The most glaring issue I want to fix is the shift in art style and quality, but there's also information that can be condensed, comedic timing that can be improved, and visual comedy to add. Just as an example, my least favorite page is where King Ormburg is first introduced in chapter one. Drags on way too long, I could get the same message across with two sentences vs two paragraphs.

I'm increasingly anxious the closer I get to finishing this. They say you shouldn't make your first creative project something you're emotionally attached to, and now I see why. I very badly want this to succeed, but I've made a lot of beginner mistakes and I'm sure I'll make plenty more. Anyways, more to come. Thanks for reading.
