
09, September 2022

Hello, it's Friday and that means another page is here. (I've got like 20 pages actually finished, but I'm going to maintain the weekly upload to give myself a bit of a 'grace period.') I would like to be able to upload these twice a week, but I don't trust myself to be able to keep up with that schedule. I work a full time job outside of illustrating these, and with only three or four hours on a weekday to work, these don't get done very quickly. Plus, I'd like to eventually get quite a few pages finished and on standby, so that I can continue the upcoming rough drafts for later books and still be releasing finished content in a steady weekly flow.

To be honest, I'm just as impatient as some of you might be. I'm ready to start drawing some real action scenes or monsters and stuff like that. And those are coming, but it's still pages and pages away. Anyways, I'm gonna keep at it, and try to update the character/creature indexes over time. Thanks for reading.

Also, don't ask me why or how the font for the date is so large. It was fine until I added page 17. It is literally the exact same code copy and pasted from the other pages, with the only change being 09 instead of 02. Computers are likely the work of Satan.
