
16, September 2022

Happy Friday, I've got some good news along with this new page today. As some of you may be aware, I've been looking for an alternate career that would allow me more time to work on this project and still provide a decent salary every year. Recently, I was hired on to my local Fire Department, and it sounds like it's exactly what I need. The academy training will last from roughly October to late December, and that's pretty much a full time job five days a week. But once I'm working the actual job, I'll be working one 24-hour shift, and then I'll be off two days. One day on, two days off, is the way the schedule works pretty much indefinitely, and the job still nets me close to forty-five or fifty grand a year (with room for promotions). With that, I could start putting out pages two, or even three times a week. To me, that sounds fantastic. Not to mention the job would put me in better shape, ever since I started this book I've been doing a lot more sitting and drawing than my body's used to. I was able to pass the CPAT though so it must not be wearing too hard on me. I will say I really miss the kickboxing scene, at some point when my schedule's better I'd like to get back into it. Might look into fencing or HEMA as well, for the sake of more accurately portraying the many sword fights scattered throughout the upcoming story. Plus, it seems like fun.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me. I know the uploads are slow, and I can tell you with confidence that the 'once a week' thing annoys me just as much as it might annoy you, but it's gonna keep chugging along. However long it may take, I fully intend to finish this now that it's started in earnest. Even if it doesn't earn me any money at all.
