
12, October 2022

I've been dealing with a little art block since starting work on page 25, I've been on that page for three or four days now, which is a little overschedule. This is in part because that page is similar to page 3, in that the image is large and there's a lot going on inside it. (It's also just been kinda rough at home lately.) Regardless, page 23 is here today, and 24 will be here Friday, same as usual. If I'm really behind next week I may just post one page, but I should be able to whip up the next few pretty easily. I like this page a lot though, it was fun to draw if a bit more time consuming than others. Fun fact, as a reference for the last panel, I used Dwayne Johnson's iconic 'eyebrow raise.' This whole segment through the royal mansion was really fun to storyboard, gives me plenty of ways to characterize Connor before we meet the other members of the crew. We see a lot of him improvising, being a scumbag, getting into trouble, and narrowly getting out of it.

Also, regarding the ads I've been trying to set up: apparently there's not enough content(?) on the site? I think they review it with an automated system or something cause some of the reasons they gave for "why your site may not be ready for ads" were like, 'copy-pasted content,' and stuff like that. I dunno, could also be that there's only 23 pages as of right now. We're trying to get to the bottom of it. More to come this Friday, stay tuned.
