
07, October 2022

Alright, so, kinda took one step forward and another step back with the website this morning. A few days ago I realized the comments for the 'Last Page' would be the same every time a new page was uploaded, due to the way the site was set up and stitched together. That was sort of an issue, and I was planning to just disable comments on the most recent pages. Until, my buddy Ami (who has been a huge help in helping me code all this) mentioned I could just use a javascript file to access the last page while still keeping all the files seperate, and thus keeping the comments seperate as well. We tried it out a couple days ago and it seemed to work fine, in fact it also made it slightly less tedious for me to upload a new page (because now I only have to edit one file instead of three.) There was a slight issue with it this morning though, in which after editing the .js file, the last page buttons didn't take you to page 22, it still took you to page 21. After a hour fiddling with it, I just decided to come back to it once I got ahold of Ami, but just a few minutes ago he texted me saying it's working as it's supposed to. I did have to clear my browser cache first though, and you may have to as well.

But, on the plus side, the issue with comments should be fixed. There's no longer a "Last Page' file that I use, each of the pages are seperate named files so the comments should stay where they're intended. The one's from page 21 did somehow get removed though, I think I might have accidentally refreshed something I wasn't supposed to when trying to get everything to work earlier.

That's all I got for today though. I did get ads figured out, by the way. It's set up on my end, but apparently "can take several days" on their end. I opted for low profile border ads, I don't want this place to look like a janky minecraft modding site. More on that this Wednesday.
