
19, October 2022

Alrighty, page 25, quarter of a hundred, doin swell. I'm almost at a point where I can start work on the rough draft again, though there is some slight retcon work I'm gonna have to do first around page 100. This page took a little longer than usual to make, any panel with a lot going on inside can be a chore at times. I do like how it turned out though, and we'll see a similar panel in the future that actually showcases one of the huge, grand ballroooms. That one is gonna take some time as well, might even be a two-page spread. But, that's a ways away. (Not to spoil anything, but within the next five pages Connor finds himself in dungeon-y places that he'll be navigating for the entirety of chapter three and four.) So, we won't see the actual ballrooms for quite a while.

That's about all I've got to say for today though. There's a couple new entries to the "Artsy Stuff" page though, if you'd like to see more conceptual work. I'd like to have a new entry in the creature index soon as well, I'm thinking something along the lines of orcs or ogres. After that I'll probably move to the animal races, such as the Mewmans.
