
21, October 2022

Welp, training with the fire department starts this Monday, and that's gonna be a pretty full time gig for me. (So, we're back to the one page every Friday schedule.) As much as I like having pages release at a quicker pace, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep up with how I'm doing it currently. I'm not worried about it though, the book's still gonna happen. I don't really care how long it takes so long as the end product is actually good. I know it's not gonna be perfect, though. It's my first time trying to finish and publish something of this scale, and I'm told it's sort of a learning experience.

One thing I like about Connor as a protagonist is that he doesn't fall into many normal tropes for adventurous kids in stories, I mean he's sort of a scumbag in the early books when you get right down to it. He's not exactly some "Robin Hood" character who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, the little dude only steals to buy himself comic books, (and because he finds stealing to be exciting.) Not only that, but he doesn't limit himself to stealing from the nobility. We've seen him potentially cost a halfling his job, and then have the audacity to steal his teeth. He's also a bit of a misogynist, which, funnily enough, is integral to the over-arching plot.

That's about all I got for today though, been working on the rough draft a bit so I don't have any extras that I can show for the Creature Index or Artsy Stuff pages yet. Y'all have a good weekend.
