
20, January 2023

And we're back! (From a pretty lengthy hiatus.) Right off the bat I should mention that I've only finished the next five pages, so I can only guarantee regular Friday page releases for the next five weeks. (Maybe six or seven, if I can finish a couple more before EMT classes begin.) I've been busy with recruit school so I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I'd have liked to, and I'm about to be even busier with EMT school. So... it's likely we'll see another hiatus between now and May, when I graduate and actually get put on shift.

As for the actual story, Chapter Three starts soon, and I'm pretty amped for it. This upcoming chapter is when things start to heat up a little, and I'll finally get to draw some things with a little more tension and action. Even pages 29-32 that lead up to it were a nice change of pace, with moodier colors and some new tricks with shadows that I've been trying out. (Y'all gotta remember that I'm still relatively new with colors and digital art in general. I've always been a pen and ink guy, and often still opt to work with that when doing conceptual work.) I've also made a few house-cleaning fixes to the website, bigger fonts in some places, reworked Connor's character sheet a little, etc. I think there's a missing period on one of the earlier pages as well that I need to fix soon.

Anyways, TLDR, you can expect new pages for the next five weeks. After that, it depends how much free time I have to work on this thing. As always, I appreciate you guys being patient and keeping up with the story. Thanks for reading.
