
10, October 2023

I gotta say, a swept hilt rapier was a very demanding choice for the poster sword of the series lol. Not that I regret the decision or plan to change it, it's just a pain to draw. It's not so difficult from a side profile like this, but once it's angled even a little bit it's like trying to draw a pile of spaghetti noodles. I considered using a 3D model of one to trace or something, but that feels a little cheap. (I think I'd rather just get better at drawing them instead.)

Anyways, if you've been following me for awhile you probably know what's coming up with the introduction of this sword. Hopefully this chapter doesn't feel too much like a lore dump, there's a lot of exposition that's happening here and more to come. Ideally I want background lore to be accessible to anyone interested but not shoved in the reader's face, it's one of the reasons I wanted to put this site together at all. I always thought Skyrim did this pretty well with the books scattered around the game world. Like, if you're the type that wants to read several pages on the Aldmeri Dominion, you could, but no one's gonna force you to.

I'm probably just overthinking it though. More to come, thanks for reading.
