
13, October 2023

First look at Eliza in the actual comic book! I've been stewing on a character design change for her for a while now. If you've been following this project for awhile you'll know that most of my concept art for Eliza had her depicted as a sort of floating spirit ball that's tethered to our main man Connor's head. I might still do this for comedic scenes or something, but fully drawing out her character as more of a traditional ghost gives her more room to emote than I thought it would. We'll see what happens.

Also, I dunno if you can tell but I'm terrible at paint. Even doing it digitally with simulated paint I just can't seem wrap my head around it, which is a shame cause I *did* want that painting in the panel above to look like an oil painting. I have the most experience with line art and hatching and that's really not what you do with paint, like it's all... spready. It is what it is. Thanks for reading, more to come.
