
23, September 2022

Friday once again, and I'm feelin' good. Not much to report on this week, I did make some changes to the first chapter though. Even when I was first writing it, I felt that it was a little too heavy-handed with the narration, and I've had several people tell me the same thing upon reading. I've also been told I use a lot of run-on sentences, but I'm less worried about the actual grammar and more worried about boring a potential reader out of the series with a droning, rambling intro. Some of the fat has been trimmed, in that, things that can be said in fewer words are now written so. While the changes aren't too drastic, I still like what I have now more than what I did. Hell, it could probably stand to be trimmed down further, or have another page or two wedged in to at least space the narration out a little. But if I keep going back and fixing every little thing, I think I'm just gonna get bogged down and slow my production on actual new pages.

I'd like to let it be known publically here that I'm a better illustrator than I am a writer. I really like the over-arching story that I've been setting up, it's just... The setting up part. I might just be bad at exposition. Visual storytelling and character dialogue is where I have the most fun, and thankfully that's how the remainder of the story is told 95% of the time.

Anyway, that's about all I've got to say this week. Next week I may post two pages, by the way. I'm officially off of electrical work, with about three weeks until training starts at the fire department. During those weeks I'll be able to draw full time, and could temporarily pump more pages out than usual. I'm also going to attempt to set up ads on the site, and a means of commenting here on the pages. I'm not sure exactly how any of that is going to work, but yknow, keyword being "attempt." It'd be nice to have a few bucks rolling in now and then in ad revenue, might make me feel like I'm actually going somewhere with this. And the comments would be nice for getting more direct feedback from you guys. (I would appreciate it if an effort was made to keep the comments somewhat safe for work, though. This series is aimed at kids and preteens after all. I mean certain words and phrases will obviously be censored, but I know how creative people can get to work around those restrictions, lol.)

That's it though, I'll see y'all next Friday. Stay cool.
