
30, September 2022

Friday again, and since I'm currently waiting on the training at the fire department to begin, I've had more time than I'm used to to work on this. When writing the rough draft initially, this was where I really started to have fun with what I was drawing. So, it's good to actually be inking and coloring it now. Chapter two has a lot of visual gags that I like, some corny jokes, and more expressive faces. As opposed to chapter one which felt more like an info dump. This week I've got two pages to post, and if all goes well I'll have comments enabled on each page from here on out as well. Only issue with two pages at once is that clicking on 'last page' at the home-page of the site will take you a page ahead of where you probably left off. In the future I'll probably do one page on Wednesday, and another on Friday, to keep that from happening. (Not that there's anything particularly spoiler heavy happening for at good bit.) Though you can always access individual page numbers and chapters through the 'Archive'.

Also, you may notice some comments either being banned or shadowbanned. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna pull a stunt like Amazon did with Rings of Power and only allow positive reviews/feedback.) I'm doing it like this purely to make sure language is kept appropriate for younger audiences. (Sort of a necessary evil.) Certain words will flag your comment and get it removed, I'm sure you can imagine which sorts of words those would be. This whole thing is sort of a learning experience though, and the way it works may change as I figure out how to operate it more effeciently.
