
30, September 2022

Not much to say on this one, in fact I'm actually sort of glad this week was one where I could post two pages for that reason. These two read better immediately following each other than either would on its own. Plus I drew the panels here bigger than I normally would, so there's less going on on both these pages today. I will say it's nice to be drawing something with some motion for once, and I think I'm starting to like my colors better as well. Though, I'm still looking forward to the next several pages, where colors and designs will be more varied.

Ads coming soon. I know that's not really something you, the audience, is looking forward to. I love this story and the characters and I'd probably finish it just to see them fully brought to life, but I'd also like some change rolling in from people visiting the site. Not that it would be a whole lot of anything, from what I understand I would get paid like 10$ per 10,000 visits to the site. As of right now, I've got a little over 1000 visits since last Thursday. (Unrelated, but from what the access logs say, there are a few people in like India and Saudi Arabia reading this. Didn't really expect it to get out of the states until it was translated or something. Kinda neat.) I've been meaning to add a portion in the creature index for halflings and orcs as well, so I'll try to do that this week. Anyways, that's it. Try to be respectful in the comments, there are kids that read this along with those of you who've been following me for a while now.
