
05, October 2022

I've encountered a very annoying issue with the comments, that I addressed below, in the comments. Hopefully won't be an issue again.

Anyways, here's page 21. I don't have a new entry for the creature index just yet, I admit I'm a little swamped lately. I'm really trying to get ahead with the actual pages so that I can get back to the ongoing rough draft a little bit. I've got two (almost three) more finished pages ready to post, but I'd like to have at least five or six. Not to mention I've been finishing up a few things for the fire department as well. I had to take the TABE test yesterday, which is a sort of a mental aptitude test with two reading and two math sections. I was expecting it to be a lot worse, considering that I have the mathematical abilities of a wet napkin, but I'm pretty confident that I passed with no issue. Also on that topic, my bloodwork from the physical came back and apparently my cholesterol is a little high. (Nothing that'll keep me outta the department, just letting me know I should probably stop eating hamburger helper twice a week.)

There's a new picture in the "Artsy Stuff" section of the site as well, if you have an interest in the more conceptual stuff I work on. There'll be another page this Friday, and I should have something for the creature index by then as well. Gonna try to get that done today. Thanks for reading, I know it's a little slow-going still.
