
17, October 2023

Quickly approaching the end of the chapter on my end, and feeling a lot more confident about my artwork lately. Feels good to look back at the beginning of the book and notice a quality difference. But it also feels bad, and makes me want to backtrack and re-draw some scenes. I won't though, at least not until the rest of the book is drafted. I actually did go back recently and update pages 12-15 with handwriting that isn't atrocious, but that kinda needed to happen. Seeing the first written words looking like a six year-old wrote them might give people a bad first impression about the overall quality of the book. (I might also be overthinking it, though.)

Anyways, that's all for now. I really fell behind when moving so most of my time lately has been spent trying to get ahead with the pages again. I like to at least be a few weeks ahead on page releases before I start a side project for the website. More to come though, thanks for reading.
